Delivery period
Once you have completed your order, we aim to despatch your package as swiftly as possible. When placing an order for multiple items, please be aware that your order may be dispatched in several packages. Once dispatched you'll receive a Shipping Notification email which will include a tracking link.
It should usually take 7-14 days for you to receive your items but please note, it can take up to 28 days depending on the country.
Shipping costs/ postage is calculated per order, once you have entered items into your basket and have proceeded through the check-out process the exact costs will be calculated for you.
Paying Customs
Import Duties, Taxes & Fees are NOT INCLUDED in prices displayed on the store. Any import duties and taxes are the responsibility of the customer and in some cases will need to be fully paid before delivery can be finalised depending on the importing country. Some deliveries may be delayed by the importing countries customs due to inspections. These are unfortunately out of the control of ourselves and our delivery partners.
If you refuse to pay the customs fees when your order arrives, the shipment will be returned and we will be charged the customs fees plus return shipping costs. Therefore, we do not issue refunds for customs fees and shipping if you refuse to pay the customs fees. Return shipping costs will be deducted from the order refund amount.
We would like to ask you to think again about the need of the purchase and check your color and size choices, because making a return is quite energy-consuming for the planet.
However, if you have made a wrong choice, we will of course help you with returns. Please go to "Contact" page, fill the form and expect an email with further return instructions.
Please note that you can return a product if it still has its original appearance, labels, tags, and consumer properties. Used items cannot be returned.
You can return items you have purchased on our website within 14 days after you receive your order. Returns of goods are performed at the expense of the purchaser. Please note that chess sets could not be returned.
We are processing the return of funds within 3-5 working days after receiving the parcel. The terms of crediting of funds to your account depend on your bank.